I truly cannot overstate how impactful Dr. Julie has been in my life. I found her almost two years ago at the age of 30 - and I was absolutely exhausted, depleted and defeated. For so long I looked like the picture of health: I was lean, fit, eating "healthy" and had a successful career - but my body was deeply out of balance. Doctors would take one look at me or run basic labs and tell me that I was healthy - even though I hadn't had a menstrual cycle in nearly 4 years, woke up drenched in sweat each night and couldn't calm my racing thoughts no matter how hard I tried. I had no idea how or where to begin... but thankfully, Dr. Julie did. 

My first appointment was a 2 hour session spent reviewing the answers I'd written on her comprehensive intake form, including questions about my physical, mental and emotional health. In that very first visit, Dr. Julie began connecting dots between my medical history, genetics, symptoms and more - using her white board to help explain the interactions between various systems in my body. After ordering targeted labs and reviewing the results together, Julie recommended a treatment plan based on my goals, budget, and personal preferences. I embraced her recommendations and immediately felt changes in my body and mind. Even more importantly, I began to feel empowered and excited about this new path to wellness with Julie as my guide.

Initially, some of the tests and supplements that Dr. Julie recommended seemed expensive - until I thought about all of the money I had spent on supplements over the years, buying them at random after listening to a new podcast about vitamin D deficiency or the importance of magnesium. Instead of throwing stuff at the wall, I have a clearer understanding of what's happening below the surface - including all of the genetic, environmental, psychological and physiological factors that come together to impact my overall health. And Dr. Julie continues to provide clear guidance, tangible resources and attainable goals so that I never feel overwhelmed or overextended on my journey back to myself. 

Dr. Julie continually asks me questions and offers options to ensure that I remain in control of my care. She compliments her naturopathic medicine approach with hands-on healing modalities, like chiropractic, massage and cupping. Her 360 degree view of each individual person means that she treats underlying causes, not just symptoms - resulting in sustainable, long-term lifestyle changes that have positively impacted every aspect of my health, including my self confidence, performance at work, personal relationships, and more.

Almost exactly one year after I started working with Julie, I got my period for the first time in nearly 5 years. We are now working on a holistic preconception plan to help me and my partner conceive and inform my approach to pregnancy in the way that's best for us. It's incredible to think about how lost I felt when I first stepped into her office compared to how empowered, vibrant and balanced I feel now. Julie is so much more than a doctor - she is a healer, and I will be forever grateful to her!

-Shari C., age 32 :)